I have greatly enjoyed spotting all the quirky English store names around Shanghai, but it’s the copycat stores and products that I find most amusing. They are just so blatant! Tommy Hilfiger becomes Tommy Welai and the Nike swoosh gets turned upside down. There are also some unexpected surprises, like finding the Kodak store that sells clothing or the first “Macy” shop that doesn’t take up an entire city block. With few enforced trademark rules to cramp their style, the local marketers are able to take a good idea and run with it. Many of the stores I’ve seen aren’t trying to be fraudulent, they are just capitalizing off the recognition of more established brands. Here is a collection of some of the most creative knock-offs I’ve seen across China. What’s a little copy right infringement between Friends?

In China, Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery
The fake KFC (aka the UFF) chose a rather bold location.
At first glance I thought that was a bottle of Bailey’s.
This cow may be happy, but it’s not Laughing.
These next few were seen in Vietnam and were too hilarious not to include. We came across quite a few K-Mart/CVS stores in Hanoi – I guess they believe that old adage about keeping your enemies close by. And I thought the creativity of the Kwikie Mart was truly inspired! We found the knock-off La Vie water aboard our ship in Halong Bay and the Apple Romeo Store speaks for itself. Imitation truly is the sincerest form of flattery!
Which knock off is your favorite? Have you seen any other copycat brands in your travels?
Let me know in the comments!
There are some great ones in here! That “Holiday” really made me want to get some Baileys!
Me too! The packaging looks exactly the same.
I liked the KFC knockoff and that they opened right beside
the original. I was with you when you photographed the
AVON sign. I think the police looked at us funny.
They were probably wondering why the strange foreign girl was taking a photo of a random store LOL
Haha these are great! I love the first one just because of the sheer nerve of it. Which one do you think was there first, the KFC or the UFF?