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Louvre entrance gate
Louvre Napoleon dining room
The grand Napoleon apartments in the Louvre museum, Paris
Louvre gold painted ceiling
Louvre crown jewels
Louvre Egyptian mummy
Egyptian sarcophagi at the Louvre museum in Paris, France
Louvre Egyptian antiquities
winged victory sculpture louvre
Winged Victory, one of 10 highlights you must see at the Louvre // #Paris #France
cupid kiss sculpture louvre
The famed Venus de Milo sculpture at the Louvre museum in Paris, France
louvre crowded
mona lisa crowd
Mona Lisa at the Louvre in Paris
Hammurabi's Code, the ancient laws of Babylon, on display at the Louvre in Paris
The Rebellious Slave sculpture by Michelangelo // the Louvre, Paris
Louvre Near Easter Antiquities
Louvre frieze of archers
Louvre Paris view
the Louvre palace
An ornate ceiling inside the Louvre palace in Paris
Tuileries Paris
A guide for visiting the Louvre museum in #Paris #France // #traveltips #europe
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