Ferret out : to search and discover through persistent investigation
So what does “ferreting out the fun” mean, anyway? When I first came up with the name of my blog all the way back in 2011, it never occurred to me that this English idiom would confound my non-American followers. Truthfully, I never expected anyone besides my mom and a few friends back home to read my blog posts.
I “ferret out the fun” on my travels by thoroughly researching the destinations I visit to understand more about the culture and the people that live there. That might not sound like fun to everyone, but I strongly feel that travel experiences are enriched when you dig a little deeper. I’d rather spend a week in one city really getting to know a place than rushing around trying to see as much as possible. I like to admire the art and architecture, eat the local delicacies, learn about the history, and attempt to find and celebrate what makes each place special. That’s not always easy, but these practical tips can help.
When I was a little girl, my parents gave me a beautiful globe that I loved to spin. I would stop it randomly with my finger and look up the spot I landed on in our hard-bound encyclopedias. I was fascinated that so many countries existed in the world and were seemingly so different from the “small-town USA” life that I knew in Virginia. Since taking my first international trip at the age of 15, I’ve had the pleasure of exploring more than 40 countries – several of them multiple times. Often those return trips are even more rewarding.
In addition to several states in the U.S., I’ve lived in Latvia, Tunisia, Taiwan, and China and find that expat life really suits me. I enjoy the challenge of adjusting to life in a new place, figuring out where to shop for groceries and how to navigate the public transportation system – all in a foreign language. My miming skills are on point! Living abroad and fully immersing myself in other cultures has taught me so much about the world, and also enabled me to befriend people I probably wouldn’t have met otherwise.
Are you ready for an adventure? Let’s “ferret out the fun” together!
Soon you will have to add a new country as lived in in your list! 🙂
I will and I can’t wait!! 🙂
Hi Heather I read your piece on Kyiv and absolutely loved it
Kyiv is on my bucket list and hope to visit when the world goes. Ack to normal which is hopefully soon
Would like to know which hotel you stayed in while there and was the location good
Thanks Irene
30 countries? Wow. That’s so cool
Lovely blog! Keep up the great work and travel safe!
Thanks so much!!
Hi, love your site, looks like you have gone to some amazing destinations. If you’re ever looking for a cool Traveling App to record and privately share videos from any device, check out KeepTree https://www.keeptree.com/mobile-app.html Would love to get your feedback!
Thanks, Mike! I haven’t really gotten into videos yet but know I probably should. I’ll check it out!
Hi Heather,
We are connected on Twitter and I wanted to stop by your blog to read and learn more about you. I love your childhood story of the globe. I grew up traveling with my parents to Puerto Rico and Canada. I travel at least 3-4 times a year with my husband and while he’s traveled around more than I have, I still enjoy traveling with him! 🙂
I enjoy connecting with my Twitter Followers and learning more about them through their blogs. I’m so happy I stopped in!!
My Best,
Ruthie Turner (aka RuthiesRoutes)
Thanks so much Ruthie, I appreciate your stopping by! I’ve been enjoying your Florida sunrise and sunset photos on Instagram 🙂
Hi Heather, I’m visiting Riga in a couple of weeks simply because it looks so wonderful, and I have been storing up your excellent recommendations, many thanks for listing them!
I’m so happy to hear that, Deb! I hope you have a marvelous time 🙂
Have you been to egypt !!!!?
I haven’t been to Egypt yet, but it’s on my wish list!
I grew up in Oceanside, California walking distance from the beach and a bike ride away from the peir and harbor. I loved growing up there from 1960 to 1978. .My husband grew up in the rural Missouri Ozarks where we’ve lived for the last 42 years.. I love the beautiful changing seasons, the clear mountain streams and rivers and living in the country side. We’ve raised 9 children here who are now grown and some have children of their own. I haven’t traveled all these years but one of our sons went to Egypt, one lives in Alaska, one in California and two of our sons are truckers who travel all over the United States. I was fortunate enough to travel to Canada with my parents as a girl and also Hawaii in my teens as well as North Carolina, Virginia and Washington D.C. with my Aunt. I love my home in the rural Ozarks and am so thankful to live here. I will enjoy your input to places I’ve never been to and most likely will never go.
its so amazing dear . u enjoyed half of the world . come to pakistan u will njoy alot here.
Hello Heather, I’ve just returns from a new year holiday in Riga and have absolutely fallen in love with the city – so I completely understand why you’re having such a great time. Such a beautiful city with really warm and friendly people. We had a great new year celebration and plan to come back in the autumn to see Riga with a bit more colour. Great photos by the way, you’ve really captured Riga perfectly.
Happy travelling!
Chelle n Pip
Hello Chelle,
Thank you so much for your comment! I’m very happy to hear that you enjoyed your time in Riga and plan to return for a second visit. The city is gorgeous any time of year, but is especially so in autumn when the leaves change.
Happy New Year!
I’ve just subscribed to your blog. I like what I’ve been reading LOL!
Thanks so much, Victoria! That’s very kind of you to say!
Hi Heather, i recently founs your blog, since the Embassy posted a link. Why did you choose Latvia and how long have you been living there now? I live in the US and have Latvian roots. I visited for the first time 2 years ago and fell in love. Can’t wait to get back there one day soon!
I am coming to Riga on 17th February 2018 for the second time. I am celebrating turning 60 on 21st. Please can you suggest what to see and where to eat inexpensive good food as I have little budget. Many thanks.
Hi Suzi,
Riga will be a wonderful place to celebrate your birthday! For tasty, affordable Latvian food I recommend the Lido restaurant chain. The location near Vermanes Park on Terbatas Street has a wonderful selection and a nice view of the park. The cafe Kukotava on that same block of Terbatas also does very nice pastries if you want a special treat. Enjoy your birthday trip!
Loved your blog! Thank you for the amazing tips for Japan. This destination is definitely on my list.
Thank you so much, Lorena! I hope you make it to Japan. It’s a very special place. 🙂
I love stumbling upon your blog, Heather! What great tips, especially in Latvia! Do you still live there?
Thank you, Inga! Unfortunately I no longer live in Latvia, but I try to visit once a year. I fell in love with the country and can’t stay away!
Hi Heather. I just momentarily glanced upon your blog. I am originally from the UK but I lived in Latvia for several years as a student and I completed my studies there ultimately. I left in 2013 and went back to my country. In the early days, I did not get Latvia and wanted to leave but over time, I fell in love with it. It truly is a magnificent and wonderful country and the people are so nice after you have broken the ice. When I left, I felt a horrible depression being away from Latvia that I never knew before and a regret for leaving. It haunted me for many years. I guess Latvia had become too much a part of me and my life that I couldn’t imagine life without it again.
One day this depression became so much that I couldn’t take life in my country anymore, so I returned to Latvia to do more studies and my university welcomed me back.
I have never been happier.
I am Lithuanian, my mother was born in Kretinga, Lithuiania; my father born in Kaunas, Lithuania. Being Lithuanian, I am looking to buy a traditional Lithuanian costume and do not know of any store there that sells them. Can you help? Or place me in touch with someone who can make this dress/blouse/vest, etc. or help me with a purchase? I’ve searched the entire Internet!
Thank you, Regina
Hi Regina,
The only shop I know of is Rūta žalioji in Kaunas. Here is their website: http://www.rutazalioji.lt/
I hope this helps!
Best wishes,