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Have questions about living in Latvia or China? Want to know more about moving abroad? Email me your expat and travel related inquiries at or use the form below.
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**Please note that I am not currently accepting advertising or sponsored content.**
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I love your blogs/diary’s
Can you please visit Pakistan or Britain(England) in December 2016
I hope you are doing great!
I came across your blog and got impressed with the regular and frequent updates on it.
Kindly let me know the price per post (if you are interested to sell sponsored post on your blog)
Also, we might be interested to place in-content text link (placement of a text link on an existing blog post of your blog) please do let me know price per text link placement as well
Looking forward to hearing from you soon
Best Regards,
Desirae Odjick
Link Building | Futuristic Artists
I am looking for Essential Poland in June 2020
Have a great day!
My name is Anaya Atif, a content marketing agency. I came across your site and found it suitable for some of my clients.
We pride ourselves on providing our partner websites with content that is tailor-made for their specific audience. I reckon we can work together as we would provide exclusive unique guest posts which you can publish to your readers. This will provide you with a combination of high-quality content and an introduction to our readership base.
Please let me know if you’re interested, as we are looking to form a long-term relationship with you. We are able to pay an administrative fee.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Best Regards,
Anaya Atif
Digital Marketing Consultant
Company: Futuristic Artists
This is fantastic, thank you, so glad i have discovered your website six weeks before my trip to the Baltics!